Saturday, 29 September 2018

Love, Life and Sex... It's Complicated*

Love, Life, and Sex can be pretty simple but mixed all together you get a complicated mess. I know for a fact that many people including myself have had a hard time of it with a whole load of situations; not always simply to do with dating. 

So once we have gone through the whole dating process and potentially found someone we want to be with forever, life will change. Even more so if it is your best friend or family member.

Sure we are over the moon for them, they have found the one that has made them feel special and have chosen to settle down with. Inevitably though married life sets in and the dynamics/ priorities will shift, it gets even more strained when your mates spouse makes some sort of move on you.

I suppose it doesn't help these days with our generation and the shift of the moral compass. Marriage and committed relationships don't always mean what they used to, the millennials now don't take it as seriously and find it just as easy to look around or stray.

Just as those don't like to commit, we that get duped into awkward situations find it difficult to know what to do. You would be surprised to know that there are more people put in an awkward situation by a friend or loved one's spouse, where you're stuck wondering what's the best way to deal with it than you would think. Do you confess what happened and potentially risk losing your friendship?

I suppose if you're in a situation where the feelings or emotions are reciprocated then it truly does make for a very complicated mess. How can you tell your loved one that their spouse has feelings for you and you do too? That's going to be one hell of a fallout and to be honest I would totally agree with that! Whatever happened to honesty and loyalty?

But when you have no feelings at all, how do you deal with it? Do you say nothing and hope it doesn't happen again, or do you tell them and hope there isn't a fall out between the two of you? It is very common for people to blame the third party for problems within their own relationship because it is a lot easier than dealing with what's actually going on in their own lives. So I can understand why many people feel afraid to confess what has happened for fear of losing their friend.

I guess I don't understand why people feel the need to not be faithful or lean toward those that are close to their spouse. I mean there are plenty of adult dating sitesnaughty dating sites, no strings dating for those that want it and location dating sites such as cambridgeshire sex and kent sex. Not that I condone straying, but let's be honest these sites aren't just being used by those that are single are they.

* This is a sponsored post. Please see my Disclaimer for more information.
Quote Photos property of whisper

Always be kind, you never know what personal battle people are fighting.


Monday, 24 September 2018

The Hidden Meanings

Sometimes in life, we don't always say what we actually mean, usually for frivolous reasons. It' s often overlooked and we rarely ever open up; to tell the people around us how we're really feeling.

With my continued counselling, I have found that I do often say things I don't mean or just don't say what I want from people in a direct way. So how can I really blame them for not being there when I am in need of some company?

Simple things such as asking for someone to accompany me to an event. To just about anyone, even me, sounds like I am just seeing if someone would like to come along. It wasn't until the first person didn't want to come, yet the second person did, despite it being cold and quite late; that I then realised how much I actually needed the company.

It hit me hard, which was a big surprise, having to hold back tears because quite frankly I felt stupid. Why did I feel so taken aback that the second person quite clearly recognised the fact that I actually needed someone? I guess it was more the fact that I didn't even know myself how I truly felt, and that one kind act had me questioning my approach.

I don't know about you, but lately, I have seen a lot of quotes and memes flying around like "Not being a constant friend", which okay I get, you don't want to be at someones beckon call. Don't want anyone clinging off of you and vice versa you don't want to be that clinging whiny friend; that has to have constant validation.

Here's the thing though, friendships and any relationships for that matter work two ways, they take compromise. Sometimes one side gives more than the other, but it should always work it's way around. For me, a lot of the time, I feel as though I have given a lot in my relationships and have gotten little or nothing in return. That's not saying I do things for expectation, because well it just wouldn't be me, however, there have come times when really I do need a friend.  Someone to take the reigns a little and ask me the questions, be involved in my life and not wait for me to call for help.
It is just a shame that too often this is our reality, we get too wound up in our own lives to see what is going on in someone else's. To read between the lines and recognise the hidden meanings/ cries for help. You'll help some stranger by sharing a status on facebook or twitter because their loved one is vulnerable and suicidal. Just to show you care to those on social media, but charity begins at home as they always say??? If you have compassion for strangers, why not have that compassion for those close to you suffering the same afflictions?

Always be kind, you never know what personal battle people are fighting.


Friday, 21 September 2018

Moi-Meme Summer 2018 Tropical Box

As always receiving a subscription box through the mail is a great surprise and July's box was no exception. The Tropical theme is perfect for the summer weather we seem to have been getting, packed full of gorgeous pampering treats and lifestyle items.  

The Evolve Miracle Mask, R.R.P £22.00, is a very natural organic beauty product that is created by hand in the founders home studio in Hertfordshire. This allows for the ingredients to be extremely fresh, keeps the precious anti-oxidants of the natural oils, butter, and extracts to be stored within each pot. 

It has such a thick texture and luxurious smell that you could immediately tell the purity of ingredients inside. 

The Isla Apothecary Lemongrass + Rosemary Renewing Foot Treatment, R.R.P £23.00, is an all natural foot scrub. Made up of a blend of deodorising and refreshing Rosemary & Lemongrass oils, both include essential fatty- acid oils that provide ultra moisturisation and rejuvenation to hard skin and neglected feet. 

Along with Epsom Salt and Ground Pumice to provide the perfect amount of exfoliation to remove all those nasty dead and dry skin cells. Your feet will be left feeling super soft after, especially with the Coconut and Castor oils within the formula to give your newly exfoliated skin the boost it so rightly needs. 

A Weathered Penny Silver Elpis Necklace, R.R.P £35.00-40.00. This silver plated steel necklace adorns a beautiful monstera leaf, which is perfect for everyday wear. The small detailing and simplicity of the design are perfect for just about anyone. Unfortunately, from what I can tell from their website, this necklace is not nickel free. 

Elizabeth Scarlett Travel Pouch, R.R.P £20.00, this particular pouch was designed and inspired with the rustic boathouses, dressed in bunches of Bamboo, located in the South of France; in mind. 
The gold zip details an embossed lotus flower, which symbolises peace and purity. 

The hand illustrated blue and gold bamboo leaves, just give this everyday pouch the perfect unique touch. Not to mention that it's the perfect size to fit all of your daily essentials and more. 

Nikki Strange Tropical Paradise Palms Wellness Planner, R.R.P £7.00. This wellness planner has been created with you and the environment in mind, printed on 52 pages of recycled paper with vegetable ink, which I had no idea even existed! 

This planner has been split into nifty sections in order for you to plan each week with not only your essentials but your personal goals and feelings etc. It is a great way to get you feeling motivated or just to get you writing about how you are feeling that particular week, even if it's just doodles. Plus who doesn't love pretty stationary? 

Moi-Même x Emerald and Ivy Studios Personalised Compact Mirror, this was the final item in the box; which was personalised with your chosen initial. I picked R, for Romanovs Views and just love how it matched the theme of the box. It didn't look tacky or cheap either, so it's a plus from me. 

My Verdict

Overall, I was blown away by the contents of this months box. Moi-Même have outdone themselves once again, from amazing high-end beauty products to the perfect lifestyle pieces. I only wish the necklace was confirmed to be either nickel free or not, but it would be better if it was, due to my nickel allergy.

I cannot wait for next months box, which I think should arrive sometime in October..

Always be kind, you never know what personal battle people are fighting.


Tuesday, 11 September 2018

World Suicide Prevention Day

Yep I know I am a day late, World Suicide Prevention Day is actually 10.09.18, but then in true Kim tradition what would be better than being a little late hey!

Mental Health and Suicide Awareness is something that has become very apparent to me, I am very passionate about it and you may call it selfish because of my own personal battles with it, but how else do you get passionate about something? If not by being touched and affected by it so closely that you have to take action?

The thing that gets me is that there shouldn't just be a 'Day' dedicated to one thing, it should be something that is talked about daily, more openly to hopefully get the conversation rolling. Open peoples eyes and minds, to the real impacts we all have on one another. We are the only ones that can help each other out at the end of the day.

Having recently decided to go to counseling and start to talk more openly about my situation and feelings, I am starting to feel a lot better - more like my old self. Obviously, I am under no illusion that it is a long process and that things may not be as smooth as they have been so far, however, with the support of a few good friends and family I think I can do it.

That being said it is still hard to open up nonetheless, I decided to reach out to someone and tell them some of where my head was at. Letting them know that if it wasn't for Harley (my dog) that I would not be here, I have seriously thought this through in therapy and have come to the conclusion that Harley has saved me in more ways than anyone will ever comprehend! The main issue I had was that they seemed to just dismiss my attempt to ask for support through my suicide confession, not acknowledging that I have come extremely close this year to ending my life. That is a serious thing to admit let alone put in writing!

Suicide is a very serious subject and one that can be too easily be dismissed. I am very aware of those that cry wolf, that do genuinely do it for attention and never actually do anything at all. These type of people are not well either, they have to be mentally ill to do such a thing to those around them, let alone make a mockery of such a brave and hard act.

Yep, I called it brave, it is, it isn't something that can be done lightly. More likely than not it took a lot of planning and will hurt, to do that to yourself is not only brave but an extremely hard decision to come too. Once that every person has different reasons for, I honestly don't think anyone can ever truly know what anyone was thinking or feeling to do such a thing if they haven't made any attempt to help them beforehand.

I said it before in Me, Myself & Suicide and I will say it again, No One pays any attention unless you actually cause yourself harm or have actually died by suicide! Simple as that, and that NEEDS to change!

Useful websites and helplines:
  • Mind, open Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm on 0300 123 3393
  • Samaritans offer a listening service which is open 24 hours a day, on 116 123 (UK and ROI - this number is FREE to call and will not appear on your phone bill.)
  • The Mix is a free support service for people under 25. Call 0808 808 4994 or email:
Always be kind, you never know what personal battle people are fighting.


Saturday, 1 September 2018

August Lookback

Almost can't believe it's that time of the month again and by almost I mean it's becoming more and more apparent that time is just flying by. Seriously how is it September already!

PR Events

This month I and Christie were lucky enough to attend the pre-launch Party for The Ivy Norwich Brasserie! Not only was it a wonderful chance to spend some much needed time with the bestie, but it was a great night experiencing what The Ivy had to offer. 


August was jam-packed with Agility Demo days, which of course Harley was super happy about. I enjoyed them too, but they do take it out of me to be quite honest, she is a handful, to say the least. Having these days really does help her with distraction training too, it is a godsend to realise that she has come such a long way from when we first started. 

Her splint seems to be doing wonders also, so that was a worthy investment that has helped her run fluently without any problems.

Life in General

This has been a pretty trying month in all. From starting counselling to opening up to members of my family and making decisions finally for myself. Decisions such as getting my Septum pierced, which is something that I absolutely love and I feel makes me look better.

I have started to realise that I need to do more things that make me happy, regardless of how it will make anyone else feel. For too long I have spent every moment trying to make everyone else happy, support others and whilst I won't stop doing that, I do need to do more for me!

During my counselling sessions, I have come to realise certain emotions and situations, which I now need to deliberate on. How I act on those will all depend on the process takings action will entail, possibly becoming a very stressful and emotional time.

September should be an adventure, I am sure. With a definite high in there, just you wait and see...

Always be kind, you never know what personal battle people are fighting.

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