Thursday, 1 March 2018

February Lookback 2018

I cannot actually believe it is that time of the month again!! I never believed my Mum when I was a child, telling me not to wish my time away because, when you get older it will go very quickly. Well here we are, 28 and the days roll into weeks and all of a sudden another month has gone by, in the blink of an eye!


So not much has changed here really, I have been out to another meetup group and met another lovely girl called Emma. So I now have a little girl group, we have met up a few times. Having a very grown-up meal out and girly gossip all around. I have to say that getting myself out there to the meetup events has to be one of the best decisions of 2018 so far.

At the last event, I also got asked out for a few drinks by a guy.. who I should be meeting up with again should the weather let up. I am still not sure where my head is at to be completely honest and with other complications of these things you call feelings creeping up on me about someone else, that is just not clear.

I and my brother have also decided to gatecrash my parents holiday to Rome. Albeit they weren't going on their own anyway, so we will be going to Rome with some Family friends late June. Yippe!!! Just have to try and not kill my brother, we are very close except when he moans and bitches about the heat.


I have invested in a new lens the M.Zuiko Digital 45mm 1:1:8 for my Olympus Pen and I am in love. It has enabled me to create such beautiful images and new content, I hope to continue to learn more new creative ways of showing off products etc.

Last months look back I gave you a little insight into my health, well February was the month that I actually opened up about how all the weight loss has been affecting me. If you missed it you can read it here and will expect to see a follow up on mental health at some point when I feel confident enough to speak about it.

Unexpected Visits

I was not expecting any un-arranged visits this month, so when an old friend asked me if he could come up from Bristol to get away for a bit I was pretty shocked.

Needless to say, I didn't say no, having not seen him in just over 3 years it was a nice surprise and change to have some company on a Sunday and in the evening. Harley was also very excited to see him, which was sweet.

Hopefully, this will not be a one-off event and we can catch up again soon. I do very much enjoy hanging out with people I can genuinely be myself around.

I am very much looking forward to March, after all, I am finally going to the C2C Concert!!!!

Always be kind, you never know what personal battle people are fighting.


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