Tuesday, 1 May 2018

April Lookback 2018

This month has been fairly uneventful, in terms of going away and going out to event type things. That being said I didn't spend the whole month sitting in like a hermit, because this year I promised myself I wouldn't do that! 


I have made some minor changes to my site if you haven't already noticed. I have now added an about me section, where you can actually read a little bit about who I am outside of the blogging world and what I intend this blog space to be about. As well as that I have updated the Disclaimer section and added a few extra links to the right-hand side of the post pages. Making it easier for you to go to my social media pages. 

I have also finally found a subscription box that I think rivals My Little Box, finally!!! Seriously I am super excited for you guys to hear all about it and hope you like my review, this is in no way paid or collaborated, believe me, I wish it was! The box is called Moi-Meme and I am in love! 

I have tried to write more lifestyle posts lately and hope that is something you guys want more of, whilst still writing a few beauty posts here and there. 


I have finally said goodbye to one friendship which I wrote about in Letting Go of Old Friends, this was something I found very hard to do and something that I think will always be a big part of my life. 

That said I have realised that the few friends I do have a very precious to me and I am so very grateful to have them in my life. One extremely special person is Christie, we managed to hook up again this month and got some awesome shots. I love going out with her, we just took a little road trip to Reedham in Norfolk and even planned on stopping if we saw somewhere on the route that looked nice for a photo op. So it was convenient when I got us lost and we found this awesome spot. 

It was also my Step-Dad's (G) Birthday in April, so I booked us both a beginners class on using your DSLR camera with WEX. We both really enjoyed it and I even got some really amazing shots out of the little walk around we did, well I think they are good anyway. I think I will do a follow-up post giving some pointers on what I learned from the class, for those that want to know. 

Here's hoping that May brings more activities to share with you, I have a Hen Party to go to so that is at least one thing that I will have to report on.

Always be kind, you never know what personal battle people are fighting.


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