Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Staying Safe with Online Dating*

With so many different dating sites, apps and even just forms of dating we all need to be aware of how easy it is to fall into a trap. We need to be aware of our own safety and how to deal with situations that make us uncomfortable.

There has been a lot of media coverage of the Me Too Movement, which I think is partially good. I mean there is a risk of some people just jumping on the band wagon, not to say that the vast majority haven't genuinely had an experience of abuse, but hopefully, you know what I mean.

If you have been a long-standing reader then you know that I have had my share of abuse, from an emotionally abusive partner to being sexually abused at work. Most people have experienced some form of it at one time or another, it is a real shame.

I have had my fair share of bad experiences with online dating, a few times guys have tried to sway me into sending nude or naughty pics. To which I replied with a really dirty picture.. Harley asleep with her fangs out. Needless to say, they didn't reply, but then would you if you got sent a dog's sharp teeth?

Other times I have been aware that the conversation was leading to dick pics... well I just quite simply said that I really was not up for that and do not see what the fascination is with it. The conversion slowly died off and obviously, he was only after one thing. At the end of the day, it was no loss for me because I would have wanted to know sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately, things don't always go so easily and we are forced into situations that we didn't ever think we would be in. In my early career days I was very impressionable, young and naive; which are all perfect attributes for men or women looking to take advantage. I was groomed in a sense to wear certain items of clothing, arrive to work early and form secret ways of communicating.

Alongside all this there were acts of sexual interaction that at the time I thought I wanted, however, hindsight is such a wonderful thing, you realise that you were actually being persuaded into the situation because really you felt you had no other option. Luckily I never actually slept with this person, however, it could have very easily have gone that way had I have not left the company when I did.

Being a female can be very difficult at times, so when you think about all the hassle we have gone through over the past 100 years, you should always be cautious in whatever it is you're doing. Be it work, going out with friends or even just dating. Never put yourself in a situation that you wouldn't want your friend or loved one to be in, be safe.

The main thing to be aware of when you are looking into a sex dating site or an adult dating site is to be vigilant if something seems off then it most probably is. If they are being abusive online then don't stand for it get out of there, remember there is a difference between fun play and actual abuse. Always tell someone, anyone that you are going to meet whoever it is online and where it is you're planning to meet. If you haven't met this person before, then set up the first meet in a crowded area, so you can get an idea of the person and check that they are actually who they say they are. Trust your instincts, your gut is usually right.

* This is a sponsored post. Please see my Disclaimer for more information.

Always be kind, you never know what personal battle people are fighting.


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