Monday 18 June 2018

My Beauty Hacks

Being a beauty addict and blogger, you pick up and few tips and tricks. So I thought I would share a couple with you, these have been major game changers for me since I have started using them. They are ever so simple, yet I never thought to use these trinkets for beauty hacks!

Did you know that Beauty Blenders can get moldy if they’re not dried and stored properly? I didn't until I started to see some growth on the bottom of one of my now dead in the bin Blenders. That’s where this special hack comes in, using an egg cup or tea light holder. 

Yep you heard that right, they are the perfect size for your blenders and they make your vanity look so pretty too. They leave enough room for the blenders to air out and dry properly, whilst giving you easy access to them every time you need to use them.

If you're like me and you use liquid foundation, then you know how messy it can get, before you have even applied your foundation. Why? Because we tend to put the amount we need on the back of our hand.

Not only is this frustrating at times, it can sometimes be unhygienic, did you definitely wash your hands? Using a jewellery dish to put the foundation on instead, is so much easier and means you don’t walk around all day with that random patchy bit on the back of your hand. I know I am not the only one that has run out the door, forgetting to wash that bit off. 

It also makes mixing foundations that much easier and mess-free too. These dishes and trinkets are super easy to clean too, so it's really a no-brainer.

Do you have any quirky hacks?

Always be kind, you never know what personal battle people are fighting.


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